From: John Kleefeld <>
To: Neil Foster <>
Date: 28/07/2011 13:47:29 UTC
Subject: Re: ODG- Party case submissions for appeal to High Court of Australia

Colleagues, this is indeed helpful, and tracks what the Supreme Court
of Canada has been doing for a while now. You have to enter a party
name or docket number under SCC Case Information on the Court's
website; then, after you get the case you want, you choose Factums from
the left-hand frame, at which point you'll get all party and intervenor
submissions For example: here's the link to the submissions in Broome v
Prince Edward Island:


On 7/26/11 6:15 PM, Neil Foster wrote:
> Dear Colleagues;
> This is just a note about something that may be of interest to others
which I have just noticed. It seems that the High Court of Australia is
now making available the parties' submissions on appeals on the
official HCA website- see . This may
have been there previously, but I had missed it. There are currently,
for example, two very interesting cases under consideration by the
Court on causation issues in tort, the appeals in Amaca v Booth and
Strong v Woolworths, and the competing written submissions are
available and make very interesting reading.
> Regards
> Neil Foster
> Neil Foster
> Senior Lecturer, LLB Program Convenor
> Deputy Head of School
> Newcastle Law School
> Faculty of Business & Law
> MC158, McMullin Building
> University of Newcastle
> Callaghan NSW 2308
> ph 02 4921 7430
> fax 02 4921 6931

John Kleefeld
Assistant Professor, College of Law
University of Saskatchewan
15 Campus Drive
Saskatoon SK S7N 5A6 Canada
tel: (+1) 306.966.1039 fax: 306.966.5900